
Wednesday, 8 June 2011

More Visitors!!!

Robinsby Acres has gone universal!  We thought we were hot cheese when we reached out to Germany with the Smurfs... we also have noticed some visitors from Greece... welcome everyone.  However, and this is truly amazing... it appears that there IS in fact extra-terrestrial life out there in the form of living robots.  

Optimus Prime (from the 80's cartoon... not the current Transformers movie... that's complege rubbish!) has decided to visit us from the planet Cybertron.  Welcome Autobots.  We humans hope we can share our technology for the greater gain of both races.  Though we don't have much to offer you in return, we do have IPad 2's... and CEO of Apple Inc,. Steve Jobs recently announced ICloud... i have no idea what it does (or care for that matter), but i'm sure it will help the Autobots defeat those bastard Decepticons into oblivion!!  Speaking of Oblivion, I'm really looking forward to Skyrim!  I will not stop until all dragons have been killed, and I  have been proclaimed the supreme ruler as dictated in the Elder Scrolls.

Alright... enough is enough... here is proof of Prime's visit

1 comment:

  1. So far this is my favorite robinsbyacres blog post. I'm also feeling the love for Skyrim. I LOVE finally knowing for sure that we're in fact not alone :) And I specially enjoyed the part about humanity trying to pawn off steve jobs and his ipad.
