
Monday, 15 July 2013

Dinner at the Gatsby's

Due to the massive amounts of email requests, we decided that we should "officially" open up Robinsby Acres to tourists.  We figured we were being selfish keeping all this beautiful land to ourselves... especially since your generous monetary contributions helped to fund it!

There was however ALOT of work to be done.  Somehow we had to turn this piece of nuclear wasteland into a sustainable farm that is capable of feeding the massive influx of needy people who happen to pass by.

Using all my good ole American know-how (which basically involves tightening and loosening screws) I knew this was a lost cause as the growing season was quickly approaching.  So I hired a friend...

... a man with vision... a man that is well versed in "motivating" the workers and military strategy... I give you Germany's own Von Schlieffen!  He came cheap for we found him wandering the streets with a sign that read "will work for beer".  Apparently, since his infamous plan failed in World War 1, he involved himself in several other ideas that nosedived soon after they started (Betamax, XFL, George W. Bush, etc.).  He was also responsible to convincing the Fox network to air the television series Firefly out of order before it was cancelled.. bastards!  Anyways, Von Schlieffen can be seen here earning his beer by supervising his mistress as she tilled out fields.

Success!  Thanks to the nuclear waste that is buried under the garden, the produce arrived the day after we planted it.  The guests (seen dining) seemed to be very pleased at the quality of the harvest.

We laughed, we cried...

Our first international visitors from Trinidad and Mexico.

Our Chief of Security (Branson P. Daug) decided it would be fun to play a game of "find the turd".  I won... or lost depending on how you view it.

We then retired for the evening while Von Schlieffen cleaned up.  All in all a great day:)