
Thursday, 26 July 2012

Garden Greens & Tapeworms

Produce at Robinsby Acres! Despite the clay soil... if everything goes as planned the watermelon should be ready for Halloween...

At Robinsby Acres we have lots of robins (seriously!). One of them left us this nice little present - a tapeworm! Note the pre-downpour photo and post downpour photo and the the "after I poked it with a stick" photo. (No it didn't move)

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

The Big Dig

Well i've finally found something that i'm good at... BREAKING STUFF!  The garage was taken down without major incident.  I'm sure that whomever originally built the garage was from my grandfather's generation as was evident by the excessive use of nails (approx. 1 nail per 1.5 inches).

Goodbye rat poop!


What was really interesting was that we discovered that the garage was built on top of an ancient alien starship!  Who knew that Earth was once ruled by alien overlords?  I suspect that the platypus was the result one of their many genetic experiments.  Michael Bay, the hack director who ruined the Transformer franchise being another.

Right now you should be humming along to the music from Raiders of the Lost Ark... no not the Indiana Jones theme you idiot... the music when Indy was in the map room using the staff/amulet to show the location of the Well of Souls where the Ark of the Covenant was found.

The above photos is what led Robinsby Acres to become a temporary archaeological dig site.  It was here we discovered the roof of the alien vessel.  However the aliens had obviously booby trapped the ship as when we tried to enter, we experienced some torrential rains and our land became a swimming pool... perhaps in an attempt at creating breeding grounds for the platypus?

Monday, 9 July 2012

We live Part Deux

(ok, so this is the same as the first but something was wonky with the layout.)

It has been a really long time since our last post. A lot has happened since nuclear war.

When the first missiles came down we thought it was an early April Fools Day prank. Which seemed quite odd as it was October??? Who launched them know one knows...or really cared as the radiation mutated half of our population into freaks with an extra nostril. It became an all out war between the normal nosed and the wretchedly pitiful three holed noses. Note to our alien readers: humans normally have two nostrils.

As you can probably tell due to the bias of this author the two nostril humans were victorious, and out from the ashes of a gruelling three month nuclear winter, Robinsby Acres searched for a new location to settle. We didn't even have to look very hard as there were only two structures left standing.

This was the first option, but we passed because what kind of schmuck settles in a structure built on the left side of the property???? So we marched on. (We found out later that the Sega Dude moved in here.)

After another day's journey we were able to acquire a new base of operations in the western lands of Scarboroughshire. As we were moving in we discovered that the architect who designed the place insulated the walls with rat fecal matter. Rat poo and I don't mix so we began renovations immediately!

The Sega Dude pictured above (turns out he lives next door) can be seen here helping to remove a wall.

Previous occupants were environmentally conscious and recycled a police sign as part of the flooring. They cleverly turned it upside down though to maintain a uniform floor colour scheme. I'm posing here with the sign thinking "you're busted dude!" but I'm sure it was an old sign...

And here we are at present...all caught up. All the rat dung has been removed I personally handpicked each turd and disposed of it) but renovations are still incomplete. You might notice the tomato plants. We aren't sure how they arrived here as they just appeared on morning...perhaps another early April Fools Day joke?

We'll keep you updated on our progress. Until then, Robinsby Acres would like to thank our many GENEROUS donors in helping us to make our world greener.