Day two involved us making it just across the border into Kentucky. I think we travelled a bit further than yesterday, but honestly we are splitting hairs on this.
In order to keep our sanity, we came up with some HWY 127 yard sale rules. We came up with these while waiting for our dinner.
The rules are as follows:
1: No crap/nothing junky. In other words, no new toys, costume jewellery, clothes, crafts, and specifically no toilet paper comforters.
2: We must both agree before we stop. Each party has the right to veto, however each party also has the right to override the veto 3x per day.
3: If one party has declared the yardsale a bust, or has cleaned it out of perceived value, then that party may invoke the "complete" clause. At this time, the aforementioned party must inform the other party that he/she has 5 (five) minutes to vacate the yardsale or forfeit one of their 3 (three) daily vetos as aforementioned in rule #2.
Hopefully with these rules in effect, both parties will be able to traverse the entire 650 miles with their marriage still intact. Both parties have both been sworn in by means of an affidavit and will find this contract legally binding in a court of law.
A few things are starting to become apparent the further south we go in the US:
1) Americans have a fear of lightning (multiple lightning rods per house with wire wrapping around the house and then leading to the ground)
2) English words often get shorter to the point that the English is nearly unrecognizable. For example; tomatoes become "maters".
3) Americans (and sometimes myself since I'm half) really have no idea what the letter Z is when pronounced "zed". Also, why did Dominoes Pizza need our postal code? Apparently we were the first to EVER not give the standard zip code.
Yard Sale wise we are getting REALLY tired of all of the old/cheesy Christmas decorations. Honestly it is like an incurable disease in that you must go through all 7 steps before finally reaching "acceptance". All this junk makes Christmas seem like a nightmare that you can't wake up from... unless of course there is an extreme shortage of Christmas decoration. If you ever find yourself needing some, look no further than heartland America. It is really sick.
AND the Happy Meal toys still in the package! Apparently people are deluded into thinking someone else might actually want one of these. Please, after Sunday when the sale is over, put them into a landfill where they can rest in peace for the next 2000 years. They are a horrible memory of humanity, and the sooner we can get their millennia long decomposition started as soon as possible!
Some people REALLY don't like Obama. This picture was taken in Ohio where some people don't like health care. I can understand how that is wrong as Americans should be FREE to choose not to have healthcare. It is what the forefathers had in mind when they wrote the bloody constitution!

Not as impressive as yesterdays haul, but I did pick up a Tonka payloader for $15. I saw several others in the same condition for $80, which brings me to another point I feel I must make. To all yardsale vendors: by definition of a yardsale, people are looking to get things CHEAP!!!... not for you to take everything off Ebay and charge the same amount. It isn't my job to put your kids through school. Items must be priced so that the merchandise can move. There is a reason you have a yardsale, because no one is buying your crap at the inflated book value. Just because some jerk pulled one over on some clown in swampland Florida doesn't mean it is actually worth that amount! There are 4000 other yard sales we have to hit... we want your crap cheap or we are moving on.
But perhaps the best find of the trip so far was this Sega Genesis game that we purchased for the
Segadude. I hope he doesn't already have this, and if he does... well words can't describe my disappointment :( I hope that you love Barney as much as he apparently loves you. Have fun playing hide and seek.
In Summary:
Total Day Two distance covered: 141 miles
Total money spent: $45.85
Items we wished we could have bought: baby goats, whole watermelons, 1960s full size firetruck, Chinese RPG, bear trap (not to actually use)
Items we regret not buying: Grandizer, 1950s Buick hood ornament
Overpriced: Fisher Price Little People and related paraphernalia
Purchased, but authenticity in doubt: bottle of Holy Water for $1
Wish us luck on Day 3 as we make our way south.